What is Faithbooking?

Enter into a whole new world of scrapbooking. It gives you hope, it helps you have faith and it gives you a new perspective on life and how you choose to live it. It’s called Faithbooking and it has brought people who have never scrapbooked before into the world of cute embellishments and papers. What is Faithbooking? Faithbooking is a method of scrapbooking that provides you a visible reminder of your faith, why God loves you, what blessings your family holds because of Him and a whole new perspective and reminder of His love and grace. There have been dozens … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for April 1-6, 2008 with a Few Extras

I don’t know what it was like for you in your neck of the woods this past weekend, but our area was absolutely beautiful and was the closest resemblance to Spring that we’ve had since last year. We got some flowers planted, grass seed poured and enjoyed the outdoors as much as we could. Days like those are hard to find to scrapbook, because you want to enjoy the weather, but you can always do it at night or early in the morning. Remember to make time for it, while still enjoying the beautiful weather. Here is what has been … Continue reading

Return From Vacation

In case you missed seeing my blog over the past week, it was because I was able to take a week and visit with my mother, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. I was really grateful to be able to go and just spend time with my mom, and other family members. I am happy to report that mom is doing well with Chemotherapy and the Doctor’s have a positive outlook for her treatment. The kids and I really needed this time to relax and rejuvenate and we were able to do that while spending some good quality time … Continue reading